Thursday, August 2, 2012


Os, hisashiburi!

I remembered when I was in the Malaysian Squad, we trained in National Karate Squad training camp in Bukit Jalil.

When I first time stepped in the dojo, many surprising motivational features that indeed will inspire any 1 who read/look at it.
Among all, the elite squad have their own wall/section, where they posted their motivational quotes/pictures/items and target that they want to achieve.
But in front of the dojo, where the main whiteboard is placed, and where we line up for  the morning mokuso, there was a quote that sound scary but certainly a true 'jodan mawashi geri' to all of us.
"U ARE TRAIN TO WIN GOLD MEDALS NOT TO TRAIN AND TRY." It signifies how important a target in our life. And this become the pillar of the OBJECTIVE TRAINING in Bukit Jalil.

Having train for about 10 hours per day, i.e 7.30 am to 12.30 pm.3.30 pm to 5.30 pm and 8.00 pm to 11 pm at night in our respective styles dojo with own senseis, indeed I have managed to 'shinsei'-ing my heart:), i.e. making myself to reach the level of sincerity and to do it for myself, and to serve as an acceptable ibadah to Allah, the Almighty.

Regardless how my legs were 'crying' (can be read as 'injured, blistered,etc:), and how my body 'sms-ing'  me to stop (now you can read yourself:), but i kept on pushing until I reached my target when I won medals for my country.

Above is just a lil' experience sharing, especially for my enthusiastic students and champion wannabes, amin!

The gists I would like to highlight:

1. Never think we are the best, i.e. if got bronze, at least there is karateka who got silver; if we got silver, definitely there is champion who get gold, which  he is the best karateka for that event. Remember, good, better, BEST;

2. Train hard and sincerely each seconds you are in the dojo, and out of dojo. coz nothing comes easy, as how the GREAT WALLof China was built by the citizens of the Emperor Shih Huang Ti, and how the China team retain to be the CHAMPION of OLYMPIC GAME till now;

3. Always remain humble to ensure we can 'berlapang dada' in obtaining knowledge from our Sensei, therefore, MUST COME TO DOJO as it is the avenue for us to reach the wholesomeness of being Karateka, among all to get good kihon and good budo;

4. Imagine that what we are training today, is always so little as compared to what your sensei has gone through in his time. they have faced more 'hell' than us in order to reach his 'paradise' of performance, achievement and reputation as what we observe today; and

5. Your journey never ends, even if you get  GOLD, and even if you eventually got SHODAN, as there are much more to  know as your karate journey is just begun. (Remember: White-purple= imitation of the teachings. Brown=Comprehension of the teachings. Black and above= Continuous application and pursuit of the meaning of the teachings)

Thus students, and reminder to all of us, remember all above Item 1-5.

Indeed being good athlete is one of our endeavour, apart of (A)being a good character martial artist with full application of karate-do principle, spirit and good karate-do techniques, (B) obtaining good health and (C) Self Defence guru, eventually to be a WHOLESOME KARATEKA.

"Karate-do is not only about winning the competition, is about the perfection of the character of the practitoner"

Till then, see your sensei in the dojo!!! Gambatte minna! :)

-Amirul Iman Bin Dollah ( karateka since 1994-now)

Friday, July 20, 2012


SUKMA 2012 telah melabuhkan tirai. Terengganu skali lagi juara keseluruhan. Congrats skuad 'peteh'. Memang pencapaian yang membanggakan, bak kata kita "terbaek dari ladang!"

Namun Pasukan Selangor tak kurang hebatnya kerana berjaya lead untuk suatu tempoh masa sebelum dipintas di saat akhir oleh Terengganu.

Indeed it was a healthy competition.

Sehubungan dengan itu, saya juga di sini berasa syukur yang teramat sangat, kerana 7 orang daripada karateka athletes saya, iatu Izat, Raziman, Zaid (mewakili Selangor-Team Kata) telah berjaya peroleh PINGAT GANGSA; Aisyah, Sue dan Ain (mewakili Perak-Team Kata-tidak berjaya ke peringkat suku akhir) dan Siti Hajar (mewakili Melaka-Kumite bawah 68kg-berjaya sehingga ke pusingan penentu gangsa) dalam SUKMA 2012, ALHAMDULILLAH.

Juga sekalung tahniah untuk Luqman dan Ameen Topa serta beberapa kohai yang telah mewakili Pasukan Karate UIA ke Kejohanan Terbuka Kedah 2012 dan dengan kekuatan 5 orang atlet sahaja, mereka telah berjaya membawa pulang 2 EMAS, 1 PERAK,1GANGSA dalam acara kata terbuka dan kumite terbuka. pencapaian yang membanggakan untuk pasukan yang dikuatkan oleh hanya 5 orang atlet. Apatah lagi kejayaan 1-2 iaitu Luqman EMAS dan Ameen Topa -PERAK dalam individu kata terbuka jelas membuktikan program latihan kata yang diusahakan insyaAllah berkesan dan boleh terus berjaya.

So guys, anda semua umpama The Dark Knight Rises! Gilaplah potensi diri kerana setiap kita dilahirkan unik dan berbakat, cuma tunggu masa untuk bangkit dan terpamerkan! Dengan syarat terus bangun berjuang untuk terus BERJAYA!!! MORE SUCCESS IN SUKMA 2014!Amin...

Saturday, June 30, 2012


Yes. The interest is coming again. So now you all may read and enjoy this blog, once more!

In last dojo training, in the final speech(as usual in the last seiza before we end the class), according to my 20 years experience in Karate-do, I have concluded that followings 4 things that we will gain in learning Karate-do:
1) The martial art itself (do,waza, etc.)
 2) Self defence
3) Fitness (overall body health)
 4) Combat sports (shiai Kumite, shiai kata)

 Thus, never ever focus on one thing and put another in isolation.

To be a wholesome karate-ka, LEARN ALL, EXCEL IN ALL.

Finally, we are not only martial artist, neither self defence guru, also neither fitness trainee/trainer and what more atletes per se; but we are="KARATE-KA"

Let's think about it.

Till then,
